Red Women Foundation

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Red Women

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The Red Women Initiative stands as our flagship project, strategically crafted to facilitate transformative change in the lives of women from diverse backgrounds. Our comprehensive strategy includes women's empowerment, skill enhancement, mentorship, and assisting women in pursuing their dreams. These efforts are achieved through collaborative endeavors with communities, corporations, and governmental entities. By addressing both individual challenges and systemic obstacles, our goal is to create a significant and positive impact for women, promoting gender equality and facilitating access to education.

'Gender equality serves as the foundation for thriving societies, offering not just a moral obligation, but a strategic pathway to global prosperity. The time is now for proactive measures that uplift all women and girls, securing a brighter future for all of us.'

Dinal Limbachia
Gender Equality Expert & Former UN Women Global Programs Lead

Dinal Limbachia has over 15 years of experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with a specific focus on gender equality. She spent the first half of her career at Accenture building consulting and advisory services and the second half advancing DEI through global programs at the United Nations. As an entrepreneur Dinal has built a non-profit to change the conversation around diversity in tech from awareness to action. More recently, she has created the influential platforms, 15MinsWith and Equal Voices where she disseminates thought leadership content, curates impactful local events, and provides a wealth of tools and resources back to the DEI community and beyond. Dinal currently leads DEI for the Americas at Hines.


Our approach is rooted in fostering creativity, collaboration, and innovation to address pressing issues in our communities. Through dynamic brainstorming sessions, we explore diverse perspectives, generate innovative ideas, and develop strategic solutions to tackle social challenges effectively. Our ideation process is inclusive, welcoming input from individuals, organisations, and stakeholders passionate about making a difference. By channeling the collective creativity and expertise of our community, we strive to implement impactful initiatives that create lasting change.


After the ideation phase, comes the crucial process of refining and implementing our ideas. At Red Women Foundation, we understand the importance of turning innovative concepts into actionable plans that yield tangible results. During the processing stage, we carefully evaluate each idea, considering its impact, and alignment with our mission. Through strategic planning and collaboration, we develop comprehensive strategies to bring our initiatives to life. Our team works diligently to refine the details, allocate resources efficiently, and establish clear goals and timelines. We prioritise transparency and accountability throughout the process, ensuring that every step is taken with purpose and integrity. By meticulously processing our ideas, we transform vision into reality, making meaningful strides towards our mission of creating positive change in our communities.


During the create phase, our team works tirelessly to execute our plans with precision and excellence. We leverage our resources, networks, and expertise to implement projects that address the needs of our communities effectively. From organising events and workshops to launching projects and implementing sustainable solutions, we embrace creativity and adaptability every step of the way. Through hands-on involvement and proactive leadership, we ensure that our initiatives make a meaningful impact and inspire positive change. Together, let's create a brighter future for all.


As we near the completion of our projects, we enter the crucial phase of finalisation. We are committed to ensuring that every initiative reaches its full potential and delivers meaningful outcomes for our communities. During the finalization phase, our focus is on refinement, evaluation, and celebration of our achievements. We conduct thorough assessments to measure the impact of our projects, gathering feedback from stakeholders and beneficiaries to inform our future efforts. As we celebrate the successful completion of our projects, we also look ahead with optimism and determination. We recognize that our work is ongoing, and we remain committed to continuous improvement and innovation in our efforts to create positive change. We extend our sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to the success of our projects, whether through their time, resources, or expertise. Your support has been invaluable in making our vision a reality.
